Friday, June 18, 2010

Crazy, Crazy June

This week has been one for the both good ways and bad. Wednesday my eldest had her graduation from her preschool. :-( She's going to be going to school full time in the fall and as shes a December baby, she'll be one of the youngest in her class. This is both good and bad. Bad cause the time has gone by so fast, good because I know she's ready and she'll love it. She's already talking about the big school and she can't wait til she can go to it. I'm sure it helps that she has older cousins and that she knows they go to the big school. So it can't be that bad can it :-)

However, will all this I am still saddened by how fast the time has gone. I was just thinking the other day I remember before having kids sometimes my work weeks would drag on and on and on and on. Though now it seems when I wish I could slow it down it goes by even faster. Its a cruel world. :-(

Today is my hubbys bday, or well as its 12am now I guess yesterday it Miss J (my eldest whos 3) decided she wanted to make daddy a cake so we walked to the store and she picked out her sprinkles and icing colours. So my husband ended up getting a marble cake with chocolate icing with pink, purple, blue and yellow sprinkles pink writing icing and coloured stars. Not very masculine haha but they had fun making it and Im sure he loved it.

Tomorrow is officially Miss J's last day of preschool. I know she doesn't understand that but mommy is sad enough for both her and I. Though call me selfish I wish I could keep them this age forever. I love every moment, even the ones when they are driving me bonkers. Don't get me wrong I'm excited for all the new experiences she is going to have, but I am going to miss her like crazy.

 OH and in case your wondering in this picture she's saying cheese and doing this funky vogue pose with her arms.  Yup thats pretty much what every photo is like now a days but with different vogue arms.

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